In light of the growing concerns around the pandemic and the strong recommendations against non-essential travel and large gatherings, we have decided to cancel the Topological Matter School TMS20.
The discovery of topological insulators, which require symmetry protection for their nontrivial ground-state, opened the door to the experimental realization of novel topological phases. Even if not all topological phases require symmetry protection, symmetries underlie the classification of topological phases of matter. In materials these phases can exhibit exotic behavior in their electronic response, such as topologically protected chiral/helical states, Weyl and Dirac fermions or Majorana excitations. The prospect of finding, measuring and exploiting these emerging electronic properties has driven broad searches of novel materials that can host them. However, the emergence of topological phases is not exclusive to the electronic response of materials and same topological classification applies not only to electronic bands but to any periodic linear system, both quantum and classical.
In this new edition of the Topological Matter School 2020 (August 17-21 2020 Donostia – San Sebastián) we will tackle the topological wave phenomena in systems beyond electronic materials, such as photonic crystals, phononic materials, metamaterials, acoustic systems and cold atoms among others. The covered topological effects in these systems will include Floquet states and non-hermitian systems implementations. Over one week, the school will provide extended lectures on these exciting topics by leading experts in both experiment and theory. A hands-on-session afternoon on GTPack software will also be part of the program.
While the school is primarily aimed at instructing master and graduate students and young postdoctoral researchers, more senior scientists who want to acquaint themselves with the subject of the school are also welcome.
This is the list of lecturers for the 2020 edition:
- Juan Luis Mañes (University of the Basque Country – Spain)
- David Vanderbilt (Rutgers – USA)
- Andrei Bernevig (Princeton – USA)
- Jeniffer Cano (Stony Brook University and Flatiron – USA)
- Mário G. Silveirinha (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portugal)
- Hanna Price (University of Birmingham – UK)
- Barry Bradlyn (University of Illinios – USA)
- Matthias Geilhufe (Nordita – Sweeden)
- Sebastian Huber (ETH – Switzerland)
- Konstantin Bliokh (Riken – Japan)
- Ronny Thomale (Würzburg – Germany)
- Judit Romhányi (UC Irvine – USA)
- Alexander Khanikaev (The City College of New York – USA)
Registration deadline: April 27th 2019. Acceptance will be notified by 15th May.
Registration fee: 350,- € (includes 5 lunches, twice daily coffee breaks at the conference venue, and an event dinner)
Conference venue
This School is organized within the summer program of the University of Basque Country “Cursos de verano”. The event is sponsored by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). The conference venue is in Palacio de Miramar, in Donostia-San Sebastián.
The Miramar Palace is located on the La Concha Bay in the city of San Sebastian.
Paseo de Miraconcha, 48
Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa
Tfno. 943 21 90 22
If you have any question contact us at tms(at)